Code of Conduct

Club Member Responsibilities and Code of Conduct:

PURPOSE: A great deal of time and efforthas been put into the formation of Capital City Cycling Club. Promises have been made to sponsors as to the way Capital City Cycling Club will perform and club members will conduct themselves. In return, certain responsibilities are incumbent on all club members.

CONDUCT: At all times when in club kit, club members will conduct themselves in an adult, responsible and courteous manner. When riding as a group, club members will be as courteous to motorists as possible and ride in the least disruptive manner to the flow of traffic. Remember we are representatives for our sponsors. They invest in us to create a positive public image. All it takes is one irate motorist calling to complain about us to our sponsors and we likely will lose that sponsor next year.

PARTICIPATION: Obviously, the concept of “club” involves many members functioning together. In order to accomplish this and also in order to foster club unity and camaraderie, members need to spend time together and ride together. To the extent possible, given everyone’s school, work and family responsibilities, club members should make an attempt to attend club rides as frequently as possible. Our presence on the roads in club uniform is one mode of visibility that our sponsors pay for. Our failure to ride as a group and be visible to the public diminishes our value to our sponsors.

PERFORMANCE: Club members have an obligation to perform at the highest level possible and in the best traditions of their sport. Club members should commit themselves to getting into the best physical condition possible and to give maximum effort in every race. “Dropping out” of races is discouraged.
Teamwork during races is expected. If one teammate wins, we all win.

IMPORTANT: Capital City Cycling Club reserve the right to modify this Code of Conduct at any time under its sole discretion.